Mount Saint Charles Academy

Mount Saint Charles Academy is a private, Catholic, junior-senior High School in the tradition of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart that serves a co-educational community in a college preparatory environment. Located in beautiful Rhode Island, Mount is central to New England and beyond.
We challenge our students through a rigorous academic program and through religious and co-curricular experiences to become people of faith who use their talents and intellects to serve others.
Each and every student is known, valued, treasured, and taught in partnership with their family.
We Emphasize…
…the education of the whole person, traditional values, high expectations, self-discipline, fairness, professional competence, and collaboration.
We Believe…
…in a holistic approach to education. We believe that a young person learns from his or her total experience of the school setting. We address the religious, academic, social, emotional, physical, and cultural development of the young person through our school’s programs, courses, and policies.