Writer submissions | Kids Out and About Providence

Writer submissions

The local sites of EntertainmentCalendar.com's properties have a number of community contributors, and we are always open to considering articles for publication that would be of interest to our readers.

We do not pay for articles, but writers maintain the copyright to their own material.

Writing for KidsOutAndAbout.com and/or BeyondTheNest.com represent excellent opportunities to add to a writer's portfolio and to spread one's ideas to your target audience (parents, in the case of KidsOutAndAbout.com; and grownups—often retirees or empty nesters—in the case of BeyondTheNest.com). Typically, we prefer review articles about a local experience rather than general-interest articles, unless those are relevant to something specifically in our area of expertise, like getting out and about in one's community.

Please email Katie Beltramo, EntertainmentCalendar.com's Strategic Content Editor, if you have questions or would like to suggest an article or review.