Father John V. Doyle School
Our Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms emphasis a fun, hands-on learning environment with a wide range of enriching and developmentally appropriate activities. Students explore thematic units throughout the year which incorporate the major learning targets, including use of the Fundations phonics-based learning program.
Our 1st and 2nd-grade classrooms utilize stations rotations with a variety of mixed grouping to differentiate instruction. In addition, these stations often involve the use of technology to support their learning. This allows each individual student to receive the instruction he or she needs.
Grades 3-5 at Fr. John V. Doyle school utilize strong collaboration among the grade level teachers in order to effectively differentiate instruction and establish a positive, constructive behavior management plan. Through the use of various teaching techniques, the use of technology, and supplemental resources teachers work to meet the individual needs of each student.
The middle school at Father John V. Doyle School prepares students well for high school through a rigorous academic program taught by experienced teachers. The middle school program is also bolstered by the use of technology, including smart boards and Chromebooks which are used regularly to support instruction.