80 Easter Basket Ideas That Aren't Eggs or Candy | Kids Out and About Providence

80 Easter Basket Ideas That Aren't Eggs or Candy

by Katie Beltramo

Of course we all love chocolate bunnies, but you likely don't want the Easter Bunny to fill your kids' baskets with pounds of candy. The staff at KidsOutAndAbout have put their heads together to share some of their favorite, most well-received treats to fill your Easter baskets. Whether you're just trying to avoid sweets, you're looking for practical items that won't break your budget, or you just want to celebrate spring, these ideas will delight your kids while getting your household ready for warm weather. Keep in mind that these are also great treats to offer to the kids at your Passover seder or just gifts to say "Happy Spring" to everyone.

Outdoor Play Supplies

Spring is finally here, and chances are, you need to stock up on some play supplies, anyway. Do a little garage inventory. . . is your playground ball deflated? Have the kids outgrown their bike helmets?

  • Jump ropes
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Bubbles
  • Playground balls
  • Squirt guns/Nerf guns
  • Kites
  • Sandbox toys

Clothes & Accessories

When I was growing up, the Easter Bunny brought us our Easter-morning-going-to-church outfits when we were little. Whether you're buying a sunhat for your toddler, a team cap for your grade school kid, or stocking up on your tween's current wardrobe essential, these are ideas that your family will appreciate.

  • Fun socks
  • Flip flops
  • Dress or spring suit
  • Hats
  • Hair ribbons or accessories
  • Fun raincoat, boots, or an umbrella

Summer Fun

Spring means summer is just around the corner, and these items will get the kids excited while you'll be excited to be fully prepared for hot weather and days of splashy fun.

  • Pool toys
  • Swimsuit
  • Beach towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Goggles
  • Sunglasses
  • A pool bag

Kitchen Gadgets

At our house, we're constantly losing water bottles, and there are clearly favorites that disappear. Why not add some extras to the collection? If you have a little one, kid-friendly dining supplies are both festive and necessary.

  • Plastic chopsticks
  • Cute cups, plates, and cutlery
  • Water bottles
  • Re-usable silly straws
  • Easter and spring cookie cutters
  • Ice pop molds
  • Cookie decorating supplies


Spark a child's creative side, or replenish supplies that are already popular in your house. One of our staff members is gifting her kids with Sharpies in hopes that they'll stop stealing her set.

  • Pens, markers, or crayons
  • Journals or coloring books
  • Paints and brushes
  • Stickers, googly eyes, or feathers
  • Yarn & knitting needles or crochet hooks
  • Craft kits
  • Slime or a slime-making kit

Small Toys & Fun

These are perennial favorites for a reason. When my kids were too little to remember, I'd tuck away their big, fluffy Easter bunnies shortly after the celebrations and the thrill had worn off, then store them until they'd appear again in next year's basket.

  • Wind-up bunnies, a fluffy stuffed chick, or other Easter-specific treats
  • Play-doh
  • Hot wheels cars
  • Mini LEGO sets
  • Mad Libs
  • Travel games
  • Books and bookmarks
  • Earrings

Plant or Gardening Items

Toddlers in particular love to help grown-ups in the garden (more on that here), but environmentally conscious teens are not immune to plants' charms, either.

  • A flowering potted plant
  • Mini succulents and supplies for a small terrarium or a fairy garden
  • An herb garden kit
  • Gardening gloves
  • Kid-sized spades, rakes, or hoes (little ones love to help!)
  • Watering can
  • Seeds like these fun ones

Spa Stuff

This isn't for every kid, but for some, a pampering-spa-in-a-basket is like a dream come true.

  • Facial masks
  • Nail polish
  • Emery boards or nail clippers
  • Bath bombs or bubble bath
  • Bath pillow
  • Eye mask
  • Lotions
  • A candle

Think Outside the Basket

Really, who says that you need a basket? At our house we use the same baskets every year, but others like to get creative in how they pull together their Easter gifts.

  • Hat or helmet
  • Backpack
  • Luggage or tote bag
  • Wrapped in a towel or blanket
  • Gift box
  • Toy box or storage container
  • Large bowl (like a mixing bowl for a cook or a popcorn bowl for a movie lover)

One of our readers, Deb, loves planning a scavenger hunt game, one for each child. Each child follows clues on index cards to find a series of eggs with prizes inside them. She explains, "The kids would be on different 'routes' so they never 'stole' one of the others' eggs lol. Or I would have two different colors of eggs to keep them honest. It was so fun. Now my grandbabies are getting in on the fun!"

No need to stress for ideas! Hop on down the bunny trail and fill those baskets! Happy spring!

Do you have great ideas for kids' Easter baskets? Share them with us by contacting Katie at katie@kidsoutandabout.com

 © 2024 Katie Beltramo.
Katie Beltramo, a mom of two, is communications director of EntertainmentCalendar.com. She also blogs at Capital District Fun.
